Conference Accessibility Team

In the Spirit of Christ, we the UCC Southern California Nevada Conference Accessibility Team, challenge, encourage and support the efforts of all SCNC settings, local churches, associations and camps to extend an extravagant welcome in all aspects of the church to all people with disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Sometimes in the wider Church, our UCC community uses “A2A” which is shorthand for Accessibility to All. This is a broad but important statement. It includes issues of vision, hearing, mobility and information processing. Being intentional about accessibility is an issue of hospitality and the radical welcome we are called to share. 

Video Resources

PDF Resources

Resources For Congregations Seeking A2A

  • There is a National website for the Disabilities Ministry: The Audit and Application forms from the A2A process are available on this National website.
  • The guide for the A2A process is: “Any Body, Every Body, Christ’s Body” and can be found at:
  • The A2A trifold – Disability Etiquette flyer.  This is a great, one page flyer that addresses many situations we can find ourselves in and not be knowledgeable about the appropriate way to handle them.  
  • This is a video put together by our Conference Accessibility Team.  A portion of this was shown at Synod 2020.  It is approx.. 7 minutes long 
  • The attached list of “Top 10 Ways Churches Can Include People With Disabilities” These are easy things every congregation can do “right now” to be more accessible.
  • The sensitivity videos linked above.  These are a great start to sensitivity training – they take a variety of perspectives and address many different issues encountered daily in the lives of people with various disabilities.
  • Help with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements are available through your local Building Department, Design Professional (architects) and the Conference Accessibility Team.  California has its own requirements that can be different, so it is always best to consult someone who is well versed in what is required in California.

Financial Resources: Cornerstone Fund

Cornerstone Fund is a faith-based investment organization and a ministry of the United Church of Christ. Cornerstone is a trustworthy partner for borrowing money to improve accessibility, a great way to invest funds that can support your congregation’s future facility improvements.