Standing Requirements

In the UCC, “Standing” or “Ministerial Standing” is the word used to describe that an individual has been authorized by the United Church of Christ to serve in a ministry setting and to serve in and on behalf of the denomination. Ministerial Standing is conveyed after an individual has completed specific formational processes, and Standing is maintained through ethical behavior and adherence to the Ministerial Code, ongoing relationship to the denomination and active membership in a UCC Local Church, and completing specific ongoing training requirements.  

Annual Information Review

All Authorized Ministers in SCNC must complete this Info Review annually to maintain their Active or Exempt Ministerial Standing.  These collect information about the life and ministry of a minister and Local Church.

The form opens in January and is due February 28.


Boundary Awareness Training

Clergy with Active Ministerial Standing in the Southern California Nevada Conference must complete Boundary Awareness Training every 5 years in order to maintain standing.



Continuing Education

Clergy with Active Ministerial Standing in the Southern California Nevada Conference must complete and report at least 15 units of continuing education each year.  

A variety of professional formation opportunities may be utilized to complete the requirement. Clergy are invited to read the full directions on continuing education below. Clergy may also use the downloadable Continuing Education Log to document units.  

Clergy report their completed continuing education units from the prior year on their Annual Information Review (sent out digitally in January and due in February each year).

Additional Consideration: Exempt Standing

Because the word “retired” in American culture may mean any host of things, the word “retired” does not influence ministerial standing or ministerial standing requirements. 

In the UCC, ordained ministers continue to have Active Ministerial Standing until they reach a time where they are no longer engaged in public ministry—at which time they may apply for Exempt Standing.

Exempt Standing is considered with prayerful discernment by the Committee on Ministry alongside the Ordained
Minister, as the granting of Exempt Standing is considered to be enduring—not a temporary season in one’s career. If granted, Ministers with Exempt Standing are exempt from Boundary Training and Continuing Education, since they are no longer engaged in public, professional ministry.

Have questions about Exempt Standing? Desire a discernment conversation? Email the Conference staff.