Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here
More than a motto, this promise is the bedrock of our faith and an expression of how we can co-create God’s Beloved Community
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. envisioned and described God’s Beloved Community as a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth…where racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry, and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit…where poverty, hunger, and homelessness will not be tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it…where love and trust triumph over fear and hatred…where peace and justice will prevail…


“It’s easy for all of us to feel powerless in the face of such immense devastation. But there are ways we can meaningfully and appropriately respond now, by giving generously to support recovery needs and by keeping all who are heartbroken and fearful in our steadfast prayers. Our response as the Body of Christ, now and over many months and years to come, can truly have a powerful impact.”
Rev. Shari Prestemon, Acting Associate General Minister, UCC and Co-Executive of Global Ministries
The Global HOPE team is helping to connect Southern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ staff, churches, and others affected by the wildfires with immediate resources while also preparing to support long-term recovery efforts.
 We invite you to support the UCC’s recovery efforts by donating to the UCC’s California Wildfires 2025 Appeal.

Core Values

Our four core values guide our work to create a just world for all.


Even in the midst of a pandemic, the work of building and empowering God’s beloved community inspires us to open doors, build bridges, seek understanding, include diverse perspectives, and set a bigger table with a sincere invitation of “Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”


Justice, liberation, and reconciliation are the bedrock of our faith. We believe all are created in God’s image, and the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer that "all may be one” calls us to eradicate the sins of racism and bigotry in and beyond the Church. Living as the people of God requires us to affirm the humanity in all of us.


The world is changing and so is the Church. Learners and leaders of all ages and backgrounds are being called to create a prophetic, visionary, and sustainable of manifestation of the Church. We draw inspiration of "the way" of the early church as we welcome transition and transformation.

Building The Future

We find ourselves at a crossroads of sorts - reflecting on our past and the journey that brought us to this place and time, while looking for God's leading into a new, bright future. Building the future requires a courageous, honest look at who we are and who God is calling us to be as a Conference.

Featured Resources

Calendar of Awareness and Action

As congregations commit to racial justice, this resource can increase help increase collective awareness and action. This calendar is a work in progress, and your suggestions are welcome.

Annual Gathering

June 7-8, 2024

It’s been a busy year and the time for Annual Gathering is almost here! While there has indeed been a  lot going on, the Annual Meeting Planning Committee has still been busy planning our time together in June when we will gather to explore the theme BOLD CHURCH BOLD HOPE.

News & Events

Recent news and upcoming events.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Each year as our communities and churches recognize November 20th as Transgender Day of Remembrance, we are reminded of the violence that is inflicted upon

How Long, O Lord?

UCC racial justice minister speaks out after Rittenhouse verdict by Velda Love | published on Nov 19, 2021 The Rev. Velda Love, UCC minister of