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Core Values
Our four core values guide our work to create a just world for all.
Even in the midst of a pandemic, the work of building and empowering God’s beloved community inspires us to open doors, build bridges, seek understanding, include diverse perspectives, and set a bigger table with a sincere invitation of “Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”
Justice, liberation, and reconciliation are the bedrock of our faith. We believe all are created in God’s image, and the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer that "all may be one” calls us to eradicate the sins of racism and bigotry in and beyond the Church. Living as the people of God requires us to affirm the humanity in all of us.
The world is changing and so is the Church. Learners and leaders of all ages and backgrounds are being called to create a prophetic, visionary, and sustainable of manifestation of the Church. We draw inspiration of "the way" of the early church as we welcome transition and transformation.
Building The Future
We find ourselves at a crossroads of sorts - reflecting on our past and the journey that brought us to this place and time, while looking for God's leading into a new, bright future. Building the future requires a courageous, honest look at who we are and who God is calling us to be as a Conference.
Featured Resources
Calendar of Awareness and Action
As congregations commit to racial justice, this resource can increase help increase collective awareness and action. This calendar is a work in progress, and your suggestions are welcome.
News & Events
Recent news and upcoming events.
Altadena Church Seeks Full-Time Pastor
Artwork by Grace Chikh, for a Burbank High School Animation Program project giving local students a creative outlet to respond in the aftermath of the
Enough Trouble
As I travel the highways and valleys of this beautiful Conference, I often describe my basic driving safety strategy as “not going faster than the
Fighting for What is Just and Right
It still seems a bit unreal to say that we are entering into week 9 of an open ended strike. 9 weeks of fighting and